Thursday, March 13, 2008

20th thing!

The Final Thing-Wow, I made it, and it feels good to know that I actually did this without any prompting or pushing from Martha!

Some of my favorite discoveries were that I'm not really afraid of computers after all! This was really a daunting task, especially for people like me, I had to accept responsiblity for my own learning, and I did it! Once I found that I could do this at my own pace, well that was very helpful.

With everything that goes on in a library, I feel that with this exercise, I'm more in tune to helping patrons besides my self with the internet and all it has to offer.

I think my favorite this from this exercise was setting up the blog and actually talking about my self and my personal feelings!

ROCK ON!!!!!

1 comment:

Dirt Road Diva said...

Congratulations on finishing the 20 things!